Wombat Room
Four year old kindergarten
Rotational group of 3 days for 5 hours a session
Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 2.00pm
Possum room
Three year old kindergarten
Rotational groups of 2 days for 5 hours a session
Monday, Thursday & Friday from 8.30am to 1.30pm
Sessional group of 2 days for 5 hours a session

Tuesday & Wednesday from 9.00am to 2.00pm
The State Government announced that Kindergarten in 2025 would be free for all children.
Children from Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander backgrounds, children known to Child Protection and/or Family Services and Refugee/Asylum seeker children may be eligible for the Early Start Kindergarten Program, eg 3 year old attending 4 year old program.
For more information contact the office on 5382 7997
4 year old program - Wombat Room
Teacher: Julie Adams
Teacher: Linda Wundke
Educator: Dianne Shanaughan
Educator: Sonia Albanese
Educator: Rebecca Johnstone
3 year old program - Possum Room
Blue, Green & Yellow Group
Teacher: Alice Houlihan
Educator: Maddy King
Educator: Michelle Sonego
Red Group
Educator: Mary - Ellen Lamont
Educator: Michelle Sonego
Educator: TBC